Guide your understanding on the importance of advocating for LGBTQ+ communities. Key information about industry specifics & LGBTQ+ user experiences will be found here.

Personal Buy-In

Why LGBTQ+ Community?

Learn more about who the LGBTQ+ community is and why you should invest your time into this community

Why User Accounts

Information about user account ubiquity and how it impacts you, others, and digital product spaces

Why You?

Ultimately why you matter in contributing to this space & why this playbook matters

LGBTQ+ Language 101

General Terms

Overarching language to set the space in this section. Includes terms about allyship, gender, and sex.

Experiential Language

In order to understand your users, this section equips you with terms that they might use when sharing their experiences.

LGBTQ+ Identities

Narrowing the scope to what identities fall within the LGBTQ+ community, this section covers gender expression(s), gender identity, and sexual orientations.

Room for Nuance

By recognizing that language is always evolving, this section makes room to address difficult nuances when trying to understand and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community.

User Personas

User Personas

Find 5 distinct personas and how to design for them. User 9-5, Student User, Content Creator, Out of Necessity, and Impact Driven.

Interactive Summary

Engage with an interactive activity to explore how users feel about their data on gender, sex, pronouns, etc.

Professional Buy-In

Learning To Be a Better Product Leader

Explore the trends of inclusive product design and expectations of upskilling as a product leader.

Value Driven Companies & Products

Can you align your professional goals with this community to make a better product?

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About the Researchers

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Personal Buy-In

©️ BY-NC-SA B. Fadrigon, P. Gordon, J. Lupica, 2023


This work is licensed by B. Fadrigon, P. Gordon, J. Lupica under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License