<aside> 🥅 Goals

  1. Feel empowered to aid and contribute to the LGBTQ+ community.
  2. Understand your personal capabilities as a product team member for impact through the user account creation feature. </aside>

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LGBTQ+ Inclusive User Accounts

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LGBTQ+ Language 101

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Why the LGBTQ+ Community?

Caring About Your Neighbors, Co-Workers, and Family

Across multiple generations, from Gen-Z to Traditionalists, there are hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States. According to surveys conducted by Gallup, there is to be an expected rise in individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ in the coming years due to a general trend of acceptance from younger generations. Older generations, such as Baby Boomers and Traditionalists have maintained a steady LGBTQ+ identity from surveys conducted in 2012-2022. With a steady rise in Americans identifying as LGBTQ+ [see below], you likely work and live with them.

Survey Data Visualized

American’ Self-Identification as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Something Other than Heterosexual. Source: Gallup | More information on this study in Facts & Figures for Pitch Letters

American’ Self-Identification as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Something Other than Heterosexual. Source: Gallup | More information on this study in Facts & Figures for Pitch Letters

<aside> ⬜ See more content on this topic in Inclusion IS Essential


Why the User Accounts?

User Account, User Profile, Login — All of this language may be used by your digital product customers when they refer to the data they’ve shared with your product. Often times, creating an account is the very first interaction that your user has with your platform. The average user has at least 7 different social media profiles, which is what people often think about when they hear “User Accounts”.

Take a look at your own mobile device applications. How many did you have to make an account for? On average, users have over 100 passwords—each one of these passwords can be connected to the creation of a user account. If each platform asked a user about their LGBTQ+ identity, and wasn’t asking the right questions—imagine how exhausting that might be.

Throughout this playbook, you will see clear examples of poor design choices and their impacts on users while we present you with how to communicate this to your team.

<aside> đź’­ Mindfulness: Imagine if your personal gender data was only accurate 40% of the time. How would that affect your user experience?


Source: Apptimize, Webhostingbuzz, [Tech.co](https://tech.co/password-managers/how-many-passwords-average-person#:~:text=A good password should%2C first,managing the average 100 passwords.)